Monday, June 22, 2009

Had One of These, Once

In another life, or more like a couple years ago, I had this exact blog title, but my neglect must've killed the original, because here I am: starting it up all over again. Not really a bad thing. I think the other one was quite sporadic and unfocused (not that I don't think this one will be same), so this is a new start.

The past six months have been fairly tough, bashing my way quite sedately through time and space, with emotion just barely scratching the surface. Strange where emotional affectations come from sometimes. Surprising origins, and very surprising non-origins. Things that should bring up some sort of emotional response went unnoticed and passed by without any comment or reaction.

Now there are reactions to the actions/inactions of the past six months, and I am of the opinion that it is not too late to turn things around. Stuff needs to pile up a bit before I notice something is amiss. This is one of those periods, the counterpoint to the previous era. Well-laid plans are needed. I think with a little concentration things are achievable.

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